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Coaching. Consultation. Advocacy.

Susan Hathaway, BA, JD

Owner & Divorce Coach/Facilitator

Providing specialized one on one advocacy and support.

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Why a Divorce Coach?

Guidance and support when it counts.


Divorce can be overwhelming, frustrating and painful. Difficult partners, angry family members, and aggressive attorneys can make it that much worse, leaving you feeling attacked, unsupported, unheard, and completely lost and confused. People may offer you "advice" based on their own divorce or the war stories they have heard from friends and family, but even though their intentions may be good, their "advice" may not fit your situation or be in you or your children's best interest. Decisions, actions, and reactions that occur early in the divorce process, often when emotions are running high, can have a lasting impact.


When you are going through divorce you need and deserve a great support team. This may include an attorney, supportive friends and family, and possibly an accountant, financial advisor, or counselor. If your divorce or other Family Law action is high-conflict, you definitely need someone in your corner right away!


A Divorce Coach is a critical part of a great support team


As your Coach, I can:


  • help you navigate through your case and deal with the emotional and logistical demands that can constantly bombard you.

  • provide you with tips on how to choose an attorney that is a good fit for you and your case.  

  • help you reduce expenses and work more efficiently with your attorney.

  • encourage and support you, be your guide, a sounding board, and your biggest cheerleader and advocate.

  • explain how the legal system works and go over the stages of the legal process with you so you are well prepared and not surprised.

  • help you manage the vast amounts of paperwork which can help to preserve your retainer or advance fee deposit.

  • help you prioritize and provide you with valuable tools to get and stay organized.

  • provide a safe, non-judgmental, place for you to vent, discuss options, and learn to respond rather than react to communications from the other party.

  • help you grow through the process, maintain your personal integrity, develop goals, and make a plan for a positive future.

  • help you develop a plan for self-care and help you identify healthy support systems.


Coaching is the practice of guiding an individual through a process.


How is a Divorce Coach different than an attorney?


Utilizing a coach can help reduce the stress and anxiety that is part of the divorce process. As your divorce coach, my role is different than that of an attorney or counselor. Each of those professionals are experts in their own specific areas. Attorneys are retained to specifically represent the best legal interests of their clients and defend them in court. Counselors operate from a clinical perspective and utilize therapeutic interventions to meet specific treatment goals.       


My approach is broader, fundamental, and operates from a holistic perspective. My coaching practice is designed to provide support to you as a whole person. This allows me to organically guide you through an extremely challenging and stressful life event, giving you encouragement, teaching you skills, and providing the practical knowledge that you need to feel confident and empowered.


Although using a coach may seem like an extra expense, I take on many supportive and logistical tasks that have traditionally been performed by attorneys, for significantly less cost. In some instances it may even save money. As a coach my goal is to help you come out of your divorce in a better emotional  place than you would have otherwise. 


What if you were never married or your legal issue is post-divorce? 


My coaching practice is not reserved only for those going through a divorce. The establishment of a parenting plan, a modification of an existing parenting plan, or a relocation action are all areas that have the potential to be as stressful and overwhelming as a divorce, sometimes even more so. They have generally similar procedures and deadlines, and there is the potential for long drawn out litigation that may end in a trial. As a coach my goal is the same, to provide you support, teach you skills, and provide the practical knowledge that you need to feel confident and empowered.

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